(Morleigh is in front of the stage)
U2's final Vertigo show in Japan on Monday (December 4, 2006) focused on paying respect to the country and its people. Early in the show, Bono expressed the band's genuine love for the country, noting they had a wonderful stay in Tokyo. Bono spoke of his visit to Kyoto, where he toured the Church of Light, designed by Tadao Ando.Bono was so charmed by Kyoto that he brought back three of its residents to Tokyo with him for the final show. During "Mysterious Ways," Bono invited the three to dance with him on stage. Mouths dropped open when they saw Bono's guests were geishas (perhaps actually maikos [geishas in training]) in full traditional wardrobe and makeup. Morleigh Steinberg ran alongside the women in the pit, directing them to dance with their fans, to the delight of the audience and Bono, who grinned from ear to ear. At the song's conclusion, he bowed to them sweetly.